Student Films Competition

Cluster 1
Cluster 2

Student Films: Feature
Naama Shmueli; Israel, 2022, 15:30 min
Arriving at a silence retreat in the Jerusalem hills, Maayan could not have imagined who she would encouter there, and the sort of wound from her past she would have to confront. As the silence around her becomes deafening, she must now find a way to stare at the pain straight in the eye.

Student Films: Documentary
Naama Remer; Israel, 2022, 26:43 min
Ohad’s room remains almost as it was. Seventeen years that no one lives there. And yet, it feels so very present. Not much I know about my older brother. Who was he? And why is he gone? Maybe it was easier if I didn’t know. So I opened the door and I was looking for answers.

Student Films: Feature
Or Getz; Israel, 2022, 19 min
On the day of Or’s sixth-grade graduation, his mother Anat learns he won’t speak at the ceremony because of his stutter. Anat feels this is a huge mistake and makes no compromises to ensure he goes on stage. Or fearfully takes the stage with hope of bringing pride to his mother — will he succeed? Will he fail?